Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Classic books - a timeline

This is the first step in a series of cataloging exercises focused on the top 100 books of all time, as highlighted by the Guardian (UK) in 2002. The list consists of the 100 best works of fiction, as determined from a vote by 100 noted writers from 54 countries as released by the Norwegian Book Clubs. Don Quixote was named the top book in history but otherwise no ranking was provided. This timeline clearly shows a weight of "best books" toward more contemporary times, though the spread ranges from 1800 BC to 1995 (in this list).

A Catalog/Re-Catalog of the Vitra Design Museum Collection

In my search for an appropriate control group to catalog, I came across the Vitra Design Museum's Miniatures Collection. The Miniatures Collection represents 91 (out of nearly 600o pieces) of the museum's "most important classics of modern furniture history" in carefully crafted scale models of the original pieces that reside in the museum. You can read about the origins and holdings of the museum here or get more info on the Miniatures Collection here. One must wonder what led them to choose these pieces, and if other museums and authorities would concur. Which leads us back to the question of "what defines a classic?"....

The first grouping that I made was based on color...

Then I examined the shapes....

Then materials....

Then I started thinking about the idea of curatorial bias. I noticed that designers are repeatedly featured in this group of 91, so I separated out every designer that was featured more than once.

Then I started thinking in historical context. What was happening in the world when these chairs were being designed? This shows all the ones created during wars.

The possibilities for re-cataloging based on new variables are potentially endless. This is simply a small sampling of options, with a wide range of possible conclusions to be drawn.